Get Trained

You want to prevent sexism and sexual violence?
There are plenty of things you can do.

Get trained

The aim of the training is to give key information on how to identify and address sexism and sexual violence, so we can end it together.

The image shows three women: one with long hair, one elderly with short grey hair, and another using a tablet.

The training provides comprehensive information on recognising violence, understanding the various forms of sexism and sexual violence, and familiarising participants with the legal terminology used to classify these offences. It guides participants on how to protect victims by identifying signs of violence and learning effective ways to support and communicate with those affected.

The program combines theoretical concepts, practical tools, and interactive exercises to ensure an engaging learning experience.

  • Free

    Our training has been created by volunteers qualified in psychology, law, teaching, marketing, media, charity management, and more… It was prepared in partnership with the #NousToutes collective which trained over 110,000 people in France.

  • Open to all

    Our training aims to help everyone understand and deconstruct gender-biases and gender-based violence, bystanders as well as victims.

  • Safe

    We prioritise well-being by creating a safe space for participants to discuss challenging topics without sharing personal experiences.